Xiaomi’s RedMi Note smartphone recently went up for pre-ordering in China. The manufacturer has now claimed that pre-orders for the handset have surpassed 15 million since it went live, indicating the massive demand for its latest offering. With a price tag of $130 for the entry level model, this news doesn’t come as a surprise to us. The smartphone packs a 5.5 inch 720p display, a 1.4 GHz octa-core processor, a 13-megapixel camera on the back, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage with a microSD card slot, a 3,200 mAh battery and Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean. There’s a Plus variant of the handset with 2GB of RAM and an overclocked 1.7 GHz octa-core CPU. This model costs $160, so even the top end model won’t set you back by much. The company announced that the handset will be launched outside China by this month, so it won’t remain a country-limited offering, although its availability outside Asia is yet to be confirmed by the manufacturer. We do, however, expect the handset to hit popular online retail outlets subsequently for those of us living outside Asia.