The postmark is an imprint on a letter, flat, or parcel that indicates the USPS office that received the mail, as well as the state, zip code, and mailing date for the letter. The postmark is applied to one’s envelope by machine or by hand, and cancellation bars are included to demonstrate that the postage cannot be used again.

Reasons For Getting Mails Postmarked By Usps

The following are the reasons for getting mails postmarked by USPS:

The very first reason is that it prevents stamps from being reused. In postmarking mail, cancellation bars are added to the postage, which ensures that regardless of whether the original postage is removed and applied to a new envelope, it is not scanned at the post office as viable postage, allowing the USPS to earn more revenue. In addition to this, it also allows the post office to adhere to delivery windows since the majority of precanceled or automated stamps have a date printed on them, which allows the postal workers to determine how urgently mail needs to be delivered. Postmarking is also used to give legitimacy to time-sensitive mail, like bills and property tax payments.

Some Types Of USPS Postmarks

Postmarks are used for numerous purposes. Among them are to cancel postage so that it does not get reused, to identify the post office that accepted the letter, and to note the date of acceptance of the letter.

To have one’s envelope or package postmarked, one needs to go to their local post office, go up to the counter, and inform the clerk that they’d like their package or envelope postmarked. Postal workers usually stamp one’s letter right in front of them at the counter. 

Some types of USPS postage stamps are:

Standard Postage Stamps

They are available in various designs. Stamped envelopes are usually canceled at the main USPS processing center on the day they are supplied from their original post offices.

Postage Validated Imprint

Postage is applied and printed by the postal clerk at the counter at the post office. There is no return of the postage. This stamp already has the acceptance date and time printed on it, so no cancellation is required at the processing center.

Types Of Non-Postmarked Mails

The following are the types of non-postmarked mails:

Metered Mail

A meter stamp has been applied to it. The user can manually adjust the date on metered mail. The USPS processing center does not cancel this mail.

Precancelled Stamps

They’re stamps that do not have to be canceled by the processing center’s machine. A bulk mailer can purchase these for a discount on mass mailings.

Automated Postal Center Stamps

They are available for purchase at self-service kiosks in Post Office lobbies, which are open 24 hours a day. These kiosks print and distribute all APC stamps and shipping labels. The actual postal service date may or may not correspond with the date on the APC stamp.

Permit Imprint

It’s the postage that has been paid to the US Postal Service at bulk mail acceptance facilities when the mailing has been completed. Since the mail is not postmarked, the permit holder is charged per piece and per pound. 


An official postmark is a mark that is stamped on letters and packages by the post office. Postmarks include information about the time and location of the mailing. This is important for many reasons. Additionally, it includes the address, state, zip code, as well as the name of the United States Postal Service (USPS) facility that received the letter. The postmark is usually applied with cancellation bars, either by machine or by hand, to imply that the postage cannot be reused.

  1. Who To Notify In Case The Mail Is Late?

The majority of these concerns should be addressed at your local Post Office. Identifying marks on an envelope can be used to showcase the cause of a delay. The customers should make a note of the delivery date on the envelope and take it to their local Post Office for inspection.

  1. What Happens If Someone’s Lost Mailpiece Isn’t Found?

The Missing Mail system will run a search for matches until it expires. A failed search request will result in an email informing you that the item could not be located once it has expired. The status of unsuccessful searches will be “Expired.”