Polaroid’s highly anticipated Android camera had a very short lifespan. A little over a month after it launched, the camera has been pulled from retail shelves over patent and trade dress infringement issues.Polaroid introduced its iM1836 micro 4/3 interchangeable lens camera at CES 2013 in January. The camera was expected to go on sale in Q1 2013, but delays pushed the launch off until October. It was welcomed into the market as a scaled down Galaxy camera with an uncanny resemblance to Nikon’s 1 series of micro 4/3rds camera. This resemblance was a little too close for Nikon’s comfort, and the company accused Polaroid’s parent company Sakar of violating patents and trade dress that Nikon holds for its Nikon 1 series of cameras. Rather than fight Nikon in what will likely be a losing battle, Polaroid decided to throw in the towel and accept an injunction. As a result, the iM1836 has been pulled from all retail shelves and all references to the camera have been removed from Polaroid’s website. If you purchased one during its short retail life, hold onto it as the Android camera is now a novelty.