Mimikyu is a Ghost/Fairy type, so it has a 2x weakness to Ghost and Steel type moves. It takes 25% damage from Bug type moves. It is immune to Normal, Fighting, and Dragon type moves.

The Power of the Disguise

All of Mimikyu’s stats are pretty good, except for HP and Special Attack. Its highest stat is Special defense and it has good Attack and Speed stats.

HP: 55 Attack: 90 Defense: 80 Special Attack: 50 Special Defense: 105 Speed: 96

Mimikyu has no evolutions and only has 1 ability, Disguise. This ability is one of the best in the game.

Disguise - Once per battle, this Pokemon can get hit by a damaging move without taking any damage. Entry hazards, weather, and status effects will not break the disguise, but damage confusion will.

The Versatile Fairy Ghost

Being able to get hit once without taking any damage opens up several possibilities when training this Pokemon. You can make it a Sweeper, like mine, a Wall, or an Annoyer. 

Adamant is the best if you want to make it a Sweeper. Impish or Careful is good if you want more defenses. Jolly might even work to give a bit more Speed.

EV Training

If you want to attack, Max out Attack and Speed EVs. For Stalling or Wall, max Special Defense and I would split the rest in Defense and either HP or Attack.

Held Item

I have the Ghostium Z, but a more useful item would probably be Leftovers, or an attack boosting item like Life Orb if you are going for a Sweeper.


Since there are multiple ways to train Mimikyu, there are multiple movesets. I’ll go over mine, then give some examples of other moves. I go with Substitute, Play Rough, Shadow Claw, and Swords Dance.

Normally you wouldn’t use Substitute on a Pokemon with such low HP, but Mimikyu is special. Since it can take one move without taking damage, Substitute can come in handy no matter what you use it for. It protects against status effects, so if used correctly, you can keep your disguise while defending against Status effects. Play Rough - This is a hard hitting Physical Fairy move, which Mimikyu gets stab from. It does have a 90 accuracy, but there aren’t any alternative Fairy Moves for Mimikyu. It has a 90 base power, which makes up for it.

Shadow Claw - Another hard hitting move, but it is 70 base power instead of 90. This one is Ghost, so it gets STAB, but it also has a high chance to critically hit.

Swords Dance - This is the bread and butter for a Sweeper Mimikyu. Disguise means that you can get at least one off without taking damage, and if you maxed speed, you should go before most Pokemon. Combined with a well-timed Substitute, and Mimikyu will be able to to set up with ease.

If you don’t want a Sweeper, Protect and Toxic are always good alternatives. Combining those with Substitute and Confuse Ray can make it a tough Pokemon to beat. Will-O-Wisp can be used for Poison Pokemon, or have both to cover everything except Salazzle.

For Sweeper, Bulk Up is also a good alternative to Swords Dance. Your attack will not raise as fast, but it also raises Defense.

This wraps up this week’s Pokemon Sun and Moon Super Effective Files. Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions!