Here’s how to get Gear and what it does.

How to Get Gear in Pokemon Masters

Here’s what you need to do first: 

Clear Chapter 18: The Unova Trio Defeat Cheren, Hilbert, and Hilda Clear the chapter on Hard mode Must be done in single-player and co-op

After your victory, Professor Bellis approaches you with a special new Training Mission called “Get Stronger with Gear!”.

What is Gear and What Does It Do? 

Gear are items that enhance the stats of the Pokemon that holds them. Often, these increases are beyond what they could normally be naturally.

You can equip three of them on your team, and they work in conjunction with three other items you can equip to your Gear: the Bandana, the Pin, and the Bracelet.

Here’s what they each do:

Bracelet: Increases Attack Pin: Increases Special Attack Bandana: Increases HP

Star Cloth Items

Each Gear can be upgraded with Star Cloth items. Naturally, the type of Star Cloth you need depends on the element of the Gear you want to upgrade — e.g. Star Dragon Cloth for a Dragon Bracelet.

On top of Star Cloth items, you’ll also need specific upgrade items for the attribute you want to enhance:

Bandana: Requires Scissors Pin: Requires Needles Bracelet: Requires Threads

How to Get Star Cloth Pieces and Upgrade Items

These and the Star Cloth pieces are gained through EX Training and Very Hard Co-Op Courses.

Combining Gears

Finally, you can also push Gears beyond their level caps by combining more than one Gear of the same kind. 

That’s all you need to know for how to get Gear in Pokemon Masters, but be sure to check out our other Pokemon Masters guides for tips on how you can be the very best.