By now, despite the fact it’s not quite available in all regions of the world just yet, Pokémon GO has probably filled your social media accounts with pictures and stories. But for many folks out there who have been trying the preview builds of Android Nougat, the upcoming version of Google’s mobile operating system, they haven’t been able to play the game because it hasn’t supported the platform. But that’s changing thanks to the game’s latest update, which is now available for Android. The update brings Pokémon GO to version 0.29.2 on Android, for those keeping track. The update itself is pretty light in details, with the major part of the new software being tuned towards expanding platform support. For those who might not know, Pokémon GO is an augmented reality-based title based on the popular game where trainers catch Pocket Monsters. In this version, though, players actually have to walk around their town or city and find Pokémon out in the real world, with a ton of extras in there for good measure. You can download the game through the link below. It’s a free download, but there are in-app purchases up to $99, so be aware of that. Have you tried out the game yet? Download

Pokémon GO — Free